6 months warranty
For more information, you can call 8 (8442) 517-518 from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time from Monday to Friday.
Return and exchange
* The buyer has the right to refuse the ordered goods at any time before receiving it, and after receiving the goods - within 7 days, not counting the day of purchase.

* The return of goods of good quality is possible if its transportation is preserved, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of the specified goods.

* The goods are returned only in intact factory packaging.

Return of goods of proper quality

Exchange is not subject to goods of proper quality:
* Having individually defined properties, if the specified goods can be used exclusively by the buyer;

Specified in the list of non-food goods of adequate quality, not refundable or exchange, approved by the Government Decree of January 19, 1998 No. 55.

The conditions for the return of goods of proper quality.
When returning the goods of good quality, BungeeFitness will return its cost no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the goods and your written statement, but within the limits of the deadline, the company has the right to conduct a product examination in order to determine its quality and safety of consumer properties.

* In the event of a buyer's refusal of good quality, the cost of delivering goods from the buyer to the seller is not refundable.

* The return of goods of good quality is possible if its transportation is preserved, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of this product (commodity invoices). For the return of the goods also require a document certifying the identity or a copy of it (if the refund is carried out from another city or region of the Russian Federation).

* When traces of operation of the goods are found, the seller reserves the right to refuse to return funds on this basis.

Return of goods of proper quality

  • The integrity of the packaging of goods must be checked by the recipient at the time of delivery of goods. When delivering the goods, you put your signature in the delivery receipt. Due to the peculiarities of the remote sale method, the replacement of the goods can be performed only by returning the goods inadequate quality and design a new order for a similar product. You have the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale, return the goods of inappropriate quality and require the return of the payment paid for the goods. If at the time of your handling for the exchange of goods, similar goods are not available for purchase, you can refuse the product and demand the return of its cost. Also, when returning, you must have a document with you, certifying the identity of the receipsee of the order, and in the case of a remote transfer of the goods, attach a copy of the main reversal of the identity document to the goods.
  • CASH BACK Requirements for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods are to be satisfied within 10 days of the date of the application (Article 22 of the Russian Consumer Protection Act). Cash is usually deposited into the Checking Account within 5-10 business days.
How to return the goods
  • How to return the goods Fill out a corresponding statement with a detailed description of the situation. In a statement, please specify in detail what defects contain a returned product. Report a method of refund and payment details: 1. Mailing: FULL NAME, Mailing Address and Index 2. Bank Translation: FULL NAME, Name of the recipient bank, beneficiary bank bik, correspondent account, account account, personal account or card number. Details should be addressed to the customer. 3. Getting a refund at the address: 115280, Moscow, ul. Leninskaya Sloboda, d. 19, BC "Omega Plaza", daily, except weekend and public holidays of the Russian Federation from 10:00 to 18:00

    Provide a copy of the commodity invoice for the purchase of this product in BungeeFitness by email Sale@bungeefitness.ru. Report passport data or provide a copy of the document certifying the identity (according to the provision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2011 No. 373-p "Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and a bank of Russia's bank in the Russian Federation". Send the goods at your own expense by coordinating the return with BF employees at the address: 115280, Volgograd, travel Taishetskiy D.8, daily, except weekend and public holidays of the Russian Federation from 10:00 to 18:00.

    For more information, you can contact 8 (8442) 517-518 from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time from Monday to Friday.

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